24 August 2007

Feeling Like $300 Million Musing

Forget a million bucks!

I posted this on MySpace ... but some of you aren't on there, or aren't my friends (the nerve!), so you wouldn't be able to read it ... so here you go:

So ... forget a million bucks.

What would you do with $300M? That's what's at stake in this weekend's Powerball drawing.

With $300M, I would ...
-- Pay off my debt.
-- Pay off the debt of everyone I love.
-- Find and buy (or build) the perfect little stone cottage with a stone wall out in the front, complete with ivy already growing on it. :0)
-- Pay the annual support of all my friends who are in full-time ministry for at least the next five years.
-- Tour Europe. For a year. Maybe longer.
-- Buy a cabin in the moutains.
-- Buy my brother and his wife a cabin in the mountains, just down the dirt trail from mine ...
-- Sponsor a dozen or so kids ... and go visit them all
-- Take all my girlfriends on a spa week. Or month. Seaweed wrap, ladies?
-- Drink Turkish coffee -- in Turkey!
-- Drink a Guinness -- in Ireland!

Driving at 3 a.m.

As I was heading home from Wal-Mart at close to 3 this morning, Johnny Rivers' "Slow Dancin'" was playing on KOZY 101 ... and it made me want to slow dance with someone. It just put me in a great mood. Since I had woken up that morning with Puddle of Mud's "She ______ hates me" in my head (not a happy song to wake up to, by the way), I was looking forward to having this song stuck in my head this morning instead. It wasn't ... but neither was Puddle of Mud, so I guess I'll take what I can get in this situation.

Carmina Burana

I think I'm going to buy the whole opera -- Nick Bailey just featured in on the Evening Concert on Classic FM, and I really liked it. That's really all I wanted to say about that.

Fire in the Sky

No -- not Laramie's Fourth of July fireworks display ...

less than a week after being dazzled by a middle-of-the-night meteor shower, I was driving home to Laramie from the Fort Collins/Loveland area, 'bout half past midnight, and the most amazing shooting star went arcing across the sky, above Laramie, in perfect, plain sight of my windshield. Little things like that just make late-night treks outside the city lights so very worth the driving.

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