25 August 2007

Dreams are Crazy Musing

So ... wow, I dreamt last night.

First -- a girl I went to high school with and is now (in reality) insisting that I become her friend on MySpace, was trying really hard, in my dream, to convince me that she should be my friend. She kept buying me necklaces as gifts, and they all had two portraits engraved/carved into them -- one was a portrait of her and her husband; the other was always a portrait of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, except that they (Brad and Angelina) were dressed up to look like Joseph and Mary ... it was really odd.

So I'm wearing one of these necklaces, and suddenly, I'm peddaling a bicycle in a bridesmaid's dress, trying to get to Kristie's wedding on time. I get there and must have missed the ceremony, because I don't remember that part of the dream. So Kristie and I and the other bridesmaids are all standing around, but the only thing that's "wedding" about us is our dresses We're not wearing makeup, and our hair looks like we maybe combed it when we got up that day ... but not much else. Oh, and we're carrying flowers. I don't like the flowers in the dream, and I keep trying to give the bouquet away to a little kid, and Kristie keeps telling me that I'm going to need it for the pictures. And then she tells us that the pictures will have to be tomorrow, because the photographer can't squeeze us in that day, because he's at the wedding across the street. But we get to eat, so that's fine.

So I turn around, and my co-worker Dave is setting up a game that looks like Settlers of Catan, but instead of forming the fictional land of Catan, they're supposed to represent the geography of Wyoming. My coworker is mad at them, because the Casper River (which doesn't really exist, folks, and which I was seen as though from the Google maps view), is in the wrong place, and I keep pointing out that it's not a river, it's a reservoir, and he starts swearing at me and pointing out where THE reservoir really is and telling me that I'm stupid. At this point, he's now become a guy I went to high school with.

So I go and sit in the car until I see Melanie and Brooke coming out the front door, and I tell them that I'm going home because this guy's being a jerk. So they go and yell at him while I go to church.

At church, I keep getting awards for a thing that I wrote, except that I really plagarized it, but I don't want to tell anyone, but the more awards I get for it, the guiltier I feel. And then Tony starts preaching, but these two girls are arguing with each other -- one keeps saying that he's already read from this passage, and the other says that no, he didn't, and it turns into a yes-he-did, no-he-didn't argument, back and forth and back and forth, and I can't hear the sermon, so I finally yell at the girls to just shut up! In the middle of the service. Tony think I've just told him to shut up, so he stops preaching and walks back to my seat and asks what I think I'm doing, and I tell him about the girls arguing and how ridiculous it was, but he doesn't believe me; he still thinks that I've told him to shut up. And I still feel guilty about winning all those awards for the thing that I plagarized.

And then I woke up.

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