24 August 2007

Kill John Couey Musing

It's really all I can say.

It's odd -- I was contemplating the American justice system today as I was in the shower (I do, on occasion, ponder things deeper than which shower gel to use that day ...), and I was starting to get kind of depressed over the whole notion of "justice" anymore, since so many murderers and child molesters are let off so easily these days ...

So it was a breth of fresh air, actually, to turn on my computer at work and to read that John Couey, the pervert jackass Satan-in-tennis-shoes idiot who raped and murdered a 9-year-old girl in Florida was sentenced to death today. In cases like this especially, I'm all for marching them out of the court room and either to a gallows or to a firing squad. Don't waste another dime on their care, food, education, legal expenses ... any of it.

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