07 May 2009

'No, you sound drunk ...'

Blame it on an inflexible and untalented mouth, but there are some words in the English language that I simply cannot pronouce:


"Worcestershire" sauce


While I was seeing a fellow last year, I told him about this, and I tried to demonstrate my inability for him. My poor jaw and lips and tongue tried to spit the words out, with bad, bad results.

"I know," I said, sighing and giving up. "I sound a bit 'special.'"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "You sound drunk."


1 comment:

Fuzzy said...

I have the same problem with "Horror", and If I'm not careful, people will think I'm going to watch a movie about prostitution.

At any rate, if you can't do it right, just butcher it to something pronoucable, and let context be the guide of your audience:




That last one is a bit of a cheat, but the whole point of language is to get your message across.