22 March 2009


Irony is hearing the forecast for something between 8 inches and 20 inches of blizzard while driving home from church on the warmest, sunniest, blue sky-est Sunday afternoon Laramie has experienced in 2009. Yeah ... that lil' bit o' fun is supposed to hit around 6 tomorrow morning.

And I guess it depends on whether you're a glass-is-half-empty person or a glass-is-half-full person, but I wonder whether the knowledge of that kind of impending storm automatically casts a pall over the bright cheeriness of a day like today, or does it make it suddenly brighter and warmer and cheerier because you know that you're about to get buried in a soggy remnant of winter?

Me? I think the day is brighter and cheerier, and I'm wondering what the heck I'm doing here in my semi-dark office writing to you all ...

In non-news:

I watched "Twlight" last night, and I liked it. A lot. Guess I just found a new series to keep me reading 'til the wee hours of the morning.

Jane Austen did not invent the term "fortnight," though she used it a lot, as do a lot of Australians, my brother informs me. "Fortnight" has pre-12th century origins and comes from some Middle English derrivative of "fourteen nights." So now you know.

I can't fathom that someone would go to a coffee-growing region of the world (say, Guatemala), be handed a cup of coffee there ... and not be able to swig more than a sip of it. Shame. But I got some Guatemalan shade-grown coffee in the deal, so I'm grateful for that.

You can use your reusable Wal-Mart (or any other retailer) bag at Safeway and still get the five-cent discount for bringing your own bag. Just don't ask to use your Albertson's coupons there (this is all per my checkout person yesterday - I enjoy enlightenment like that).

Orbit's pomegranate-flavored gum tastes good, but it's too soft, so when you take it out of your mouth to throw it away ... it stays on your finger - a soft, chewy bit of grossness that refuses to be flung off your hand, no matter how emphatically you fling your hand. Just so you're prepared. You're welcome.

I'm outta here. Go enjoy the sunshine, Laramie, before the snow starts to fly. It'll be a very different world tomorrow.

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