28 October 2008

God bless the Brits

The British have such a way with words. I realize that I, too, speak English, but ...

British English has a tendency to be so much more biting, and yet so much more ... fun to say.


Knackered. (Thanks, Hol, for the spell check! I'm such an airhead!)




Gormless, especially, is a new favorite word. I can't wait to wield it at someone who truly deserves it. Someone who truly deserves it and can hear me outside of my car, that is.


Hollyberry said...

Do you mean knackered? Because if you do.. that's one of my favorite British words too..Cheers...pop to the loo...over the road...are all good too..sigh.:)

Hollyberry said...

Oh.. and "lad" too.. and of course lass if we want to be fair..:)