15 July 2007

Obituary Musing

(For the record, I'm alive and well. Panic not, dear friends)

Here's how my obituary could have read this morning:

Sarah, 28, Laramie, died Saturday night at her home when she was electrocuted while defrosting her freezer with a hair dryer and a butter knife.

Services are pending.


Thankfully, the hair dryer, the butter knife, the freezer and I all escaped relatively unscathed and minus about 20 pounds of ice ...

I hate my freezer.

I did bruise the palm of my hand from trying to slide/jam the knife between the ice and the metal parts of the freezer. And there are the inevitable scraped knuckles. But I can actually fit food -- real food! -- in my freezer, and it doesn't all come tumbling out when I open the door. This will last for about a month before it starts to ice up again.

I hate my freezer.


I know I have a lot more to say, just can't remember at the moment what it was. It was random, not really profound, and not really gripping, either. I guess that means that you're not necessarily less whole of a person for not getting to read it at this time.

Cheerio to all, 'til I remember what it was I wanted to say. Something about recycling, iPod electrocutions, and police search lights.


Chris said...

So now I have to life with the fact that you almost lost your life just in case I need to use your freezer.

I'm not sure I would need to use it. But not I feel completely obligated to use it due to the effort you put forth in cleaning it.

Maybe I should do some baking and cooking and freeze some things for you. I have cooked some successful meatloafs in the past! : )~

SarahC said...

If it makes you feel better, it needed to be defrosted -- badly -- anyway; your visit just sped up my motivation to get it done. Whether you actually need to use it or not, it was embarrassingly encased in ice and frost. Ick.

However .... I would never object to someone making a meatloaf for me. Or cookies. Or anything, really. :0)

Chris said...

Hmmmm.....what kind of cookies do you like?

SarahC said...

Hmm ... you're offering?? :0) Such a nice guy! Anything with chocolate. Or peanut butter. Or choclate and peanut butter. Or lots of chocolate. :0)

Chris said...

No promises. But it would be pretty fricken funny if I did.....