07 June 2007

Guess I Should Write Something Musing

June 7, 2007

It's snowing. I'm not kidding. I don't need to make up stuff like this when the stuff is coming down in big, fluffy, furious flakes that are now coating the cars outside my office window. It's June 7, and it's snowing. Reminds me of two years ago ... snow. Lots of it. Exploding transformers at 5 a.m. The National Guard called in to clean up the tree branches out of the streets. The fire alarm backup in my building beeping every three seconds, all day long ... I hope this craziness stops before we get to that point again.

I have existed for 28 years today, but I don't feel any wiser. I DID, however, find two gray hairs this morning, oh joy. Happy birthday to me ...

The Wedding

I will have a lot more to say about the wedding, I hope, at a later time, when my thoughts are coherent and I'm not tired.

It was a beautiful wedding -- absolutely gorgeous, even when it was pouring down rain during our outdoor photo shoot. Molly was beautiful, Matt was handsome, there were relatives and friends galore ... a very nearly perfect day. I have lots o' photos at www.flickr.com/photos/wyosarah203.

Caffeine-resistant fatigue??

No matter how much coffee I've had this week, I still want to crawl off somewhere and sleep for a few hours straight ... seems to increase the more I'm at work. I think I could fit under my desk, but considering the dedication of our cleaning crew, I'm not quite sure that the floor under my desk has been vacuumed since the carpeting was installed over a year ago, so I guess nap time under the desk is out. Ick.

To Chris

Here's my toast to Chris, whose plans did not come to fruition and whose life is not taking a turn that he had anticipated, but who is taking it like more of an adult that I think I would under the circumstances. Cheers to Chris.

Fishing with Ray

I get to go fishing next weekend with Ray, a man I've never met but who gives me endless grief about having not held a fishing pole since I was 17. To remedy this, he's taking me out to catch a slimy fish ... I made him promise that I wouldn't have to handle any worms ... ick.


And I get to see Jessi this weekend when I go to Sheridan. Our friend Sara is getting married, and since I haven't seen Jessi since late last July, this will be a much-needed catch-up time with a dear friend. Hurray for Jessi!

And my parents have notified me that one of the rooms will be empty on Sunday, so I can actually stay at my own home for the one night that I'm in Gillette. Small thankfuls. :0) Sadly, it is NOT the creepy firebug who is moving out. And even if it was, I'm not sure that I would want to sleep in that bed ...

Have a fabulous day, everyone. I hope it's not snowing where you are. You should pity me.

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