29 May 2007

Can't Sleep Musing

It's the middle of the night here, and I'm supposed to tie ribbons on 70 programs with Molly tomorrow before Matt gets off work and we head to Columbus to pick up Travis. But the puppy's been acting like she's on crack, I feel like a water balloon, and I can't sleep. I'm tired, but I can't sleep.

So I took a quiz to figure out my "visual DNA" (see the bottom of the page) ... only, after my answers had been set, I decided I wanted to changed some of my answers.

Not possible, apparently. It's not that I'm unhappy with what I chose; I just decided, on closer examination, that my impulse answers didn't exactly represent the me that I ultimately wanted to share. Maybe they represent the me that I am, but not necessarily the one I wanted to widget. Guess that's life, eh?

Ohio is good. Warm. Muggy. But good. There are green parts to the world, people!! All is not high-altitude barren rock and rolling, open prairie. Trees -- luscious trees, grass, bushes, green, green, green. And no one here waters their yard. NO ONE. They look at you funny when you ask about it, like you're crazy. Watering the yard? That's crazy talk. God waters our yards for us ... doesn't God love Wyoming? He doesn't water your yard? Must not love your part of the world ... I'm starting to wonder if I am, in fact, crazy for living in a part of the world where you have to force the green to make an eight-week appearance, like you're convincing it that it should come out and play.

I spent a grand total of 32 waking hours between Friday and Saturday, working packing driving, flying, delaying, looking for a suitcase, driving some more, eating, laughing ... and finally getting ready for bed. I always wind up not sleeping, one way or another, when I come to Ohio. It really has been tempting to just find a job while I'm out here. It always figures, though, that what was appealing on a 5- or 7-day visit just isn't as appealing when it's your daily life. That knowledge has kept me from quitting my job and having the contents of my apartment FedExed to me. That and the knowledge that I actually do like my job, my apartment, Laramie, etc. And while I do plan to leave -- soon -- this isn't the time. Or, really, the place. And so I wait ...

My parents are also arriving tomorrow. And after that, it's going to be a torrent of arrivals and greetings and relatives who I haven't seen in years and years and years ... some since my aunt's funeral, and some since my brother's high school (yes, high school) graduation. I prefer weddings and graduations to funerals, though, when it comes to family reunions like this. I'd rather get together over cake and all things white than over a coffin and a grave site. This weekend will be good; it will be fantastic. And the memory that my dress didn't fit on first trying it on will hopefully fade with time. And, perhaps, a renewed effort at better eating/exercising/living ... ick.

Guess I should try to sleep again. The puppy has come down from her high, whatever it was, and has quit assaulting me with her bouncy ball, has quit gnawing on any extremities she could wrap her jaw around, and has quit running/sliding marathon laps around the apartment (and has quit chasing her tail ... on my bed).

Cheerio, all, from the great greenness of Ohio.


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