17 May 2007

NBC Sucks Musing

THAT was the finale? The end? That was the final note for "Crossing Jordan?" A plane crash, impending death and doom, sweet goodbyes ... and then unlikely rescue helicopters? I realize that it's difficult to bring an end to a six- or seven-year-old show, but for cryin' out loud, folks -- did you have to add so much cheese and lack of reality?

It's been a bitter week. The "Gilmore Girls" have gone the way of the dodo, and now "Crossing Jordan." What the heck am I supposed to watch next season? If anyone suggests "The Bionic Woman," I'll beat them with my bionic bat. I'm left with "Heroes" (not complaining ...), the "CSI:s," "Ugly Betty," and, I guess if I'm up to it, "Grey's Anatomy." Aside from heroic everyday joes and gory criminal investigations, it doesn't give a girl much hope. "Grey's" has gone waaaaaay to soap opera and predictable, and "Ugly Betty" ... well, I can only handle so many alternative lifestyles in a one-hour period.

Perhaps this is a good thing. I could become better aquainted with my bookshelf, re-discover my CD collection ... or settle and watch mediocre replacement attempts during my dinner break.

Well now I'm REALLY depressed.

1 comment:

Chris said...

...and how exactly does a bionic bast work? Is that what Barry Bonds uses?