02 May 2007

Mind is Wandering on a Wednesday Musing

You'd think I would jump right into work, because there's a lot to do ... and yet, I sit here, cruising the 'net like it's any other day.

Dress Drama

If I get married, I'm going to seek character references for my dress lady, because the women I've been dealing with this week, both in Wyoming and West Virginia, have severely lacked character, manners, friendliness, patience ... all of the above. And punctuality. My friend Kristie's wedding is next Saturday. Ten days. None of us have our dresses yet (except the bride ...). They're being shipped to us today. I hope it fits, because I don't think I'll be able to find a seamstress this close to the wedding. Eek!

The dresses for my brother's wedding, originally said to be expected on the 18th will now not be shipped to the store until the 18th. They'll arrive at the store (barring any bumps -- major or minor -- along the way) on the 25th. The wedding is the second of June.


I work with a man who laughs like Krusty the Klown. And every time he does, I want to throw something at him. Hard. Because he's usually laughing at something he just said. And he's the only one laughing. Because (this is a news flash): he's just not funny. And he doesn't shut up, which ads to the desire to throw things at him. It's really sad when I look forward to the days when I know that certain coworkers won't be in the office. He's one of two, and Mondays are the best.


My friend, Lindsay, is taking an oral proficiency test tomorrow in Spanish, to get her master's degree. There are days when I'm not sure I could pass an oral proficiency test in English ... so I really admire her for tackling another language like this, and for wanting to teach it to other people ... I'm praying for you, Lindsay!

My cereal

My cereal is a hit here at the office. It's the maple brown sugar frosted miniwheat goodness ... I get more compliments on how it smells than I do on any perfume or deodorant ... which makes me think: perhaps I should just dust myself in this cereal every day instead of buying all that expensive stuff from Bath and Body Works and Avon and such .... it makes a girl wonder.

Aunt Sarah

I got an e-mail the other day from my older brother, Jeff, and I'm going to be an auntie by the end of the year. Hurrah! I think it will be time for a road trip to Texas pretty soon.

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