26 March 2007

Fat Burrito Musing

So ... if you live in Laramie, you're aware that the entire city is in mourning over Fat Burrito, may it rest briefly in peace and resurrect quickly. It was the victim of a drunk 19-year-old and his SUV; how he got from the alley behind The Library through the front of the Fat Burrito is anybody's guess, but I got a new tidbit about that doofus today ...

Apparently, after the car went through the wall and the lone employee, who had just finished wiping down the tables that were now plowed over, was standing/trembling safely behind the counter, the driver got/stumbled out of the SUV and decided that it was the perfect time to order a burrito.

I'm not kidding. He ordered a burrito.

The whole thing's in (last) Saturday's paper, complete with the moron's name and address ... something that someone chewed me out for (printing his name and address), except that we do that with any crime case like this -- we print, from drunken 19-year-old drivers to embezzlers to sex perverts and assailants, their name, age and, if it's in the (public) court documents, their address.

So the lesson learned here kids? Don't molest anyone, don't forge checks (some lady wrote herself over $20,000 in checks from her employer and got her sentence last week), don't drive drunk, and don't take out our favorite burrito joint. Jerk.

That's all.


Chris said...

Hmmm....a knew a guy once who referred to a body part as his fat burrito. Oops, did I just say that out loud? Feel free to delete this.

SarahC said...

I am shocked - SHOCKED! - that someone would make such an anatomical reference on MY blog ... shame, Chris, shame. But I'm leaving it up, anyway ...

Chris said...

Yeah, miss photographing the BVD guy! LOL

SarahC said...

You weren't supposed to tell! It was BVDs AND a barrel, for the record. It was a once-in-my-lifetime opportunity, and I took it.