07 February 2007

The Day of the Miracle Dryer Musing

I hate laundry days, because it means hauling basketsfull of laundry up and down three stories' worth of stairs several times ... but today, I was appeased.

If you live in the building that I do, you eventually become initiated into the Inner Circle of Those Who Know the Dryers Suck ... especially the one closest to the door. It only dries for half the time you pay for. And then it just quits. On the other two, though, $.75 will typically get you about 45 minutes of good dry time, which is fine for things like pajamas and pants and shirts and such ... but not for sheets and towels and the like. So, I loaded a bundle of the shirts and pajamas, etc., into a dryer today, and when I noticed that they were pretty much dry and the dryer hadn't stopped yet, I figured I would get the sheets and towels started on the end of that cycle. Over an hour later (totalling more than two miraculous hours) .... the dryer was still running. I don't know what shorted out or whose good graces I garnered ... but I'll take it. Viva the Dryer! Perhaps I should build a shrine and offer a shot of tequila to the Dryer. I could sell bits of the fuzz I pulled from the Dryer's lint trap ... I could let people touch one of the fabric softener sheets I used for that load in the Dryer ...

In the Midst of a Drought, A Flood ...

All of Laramie has turned into a system of streams and lakes. For example: I drove along the Sheridan Street River, turned north onto the 22nd Street River and had to float my way across Lake 22nd and Rainbow, which the belt in my car didn't like. It squealed loudly, the battery light on my dummy panel flashed angrily, and I could feel my power steering start to fail. This happens frequently when I am fording these bodies of water. I do not have a vehicle to match my superhero persona. The most recent near-power failure happened at Lake 15th and Sheridan, where I also attained a fabulous splash pattern on the passenger side of my car (which was clean and pretty a mere week ago ...).

SAD Day Revisited ..

Along the same thought as yesterday's SAD Musing, I read an article today that card companies, the very same cruel and sadistic folks who created this holiday, are now jumping on the anti-Valentine's bandwagon, some devoting as much as .2 percent of their Valentine's line (yes, .2 percent!) to the apparently unloved among us. If you don't get 2 B someone's Valentine this year, you can, instead, send a bitter diatribe disguised as a greeting card for which you still have to pay the $3 or $4 it now costs to buy such sentiments. It reminds me of the commercial where the guy hires the singing telegram to break up with his girlfriend. You can do just about anything these days with a Hallmark card and a college dropout dressed up like a teddy bear with a hangover.


Today, I am listening to Dave Brubeck's "Dave Brubeck: Nocturnes" album. Soothing. Which is good. I'm doing sports tonight.

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