26 February 2007

Addictions Musing

Do you have addictions? I'm not talking about heroine or cocaine addictions, alcohol, cigarettes, or painkillers ... I'm talking about those little things you do every day that you tell yourself are good, healthy, educational ways of killing time.

For me, it's Sudoku. I'm proud to admit that I don't do Sudoku every day. Anymore. In fact, I've had entire weeks go by without picking up a puzzle. But there was a time, not so long ago, when I would pull my big, fat book of Sudoku puzzles out from under my sofa or behind my bed and spend hours trying to figure out which number went in which box. My habit progressed to Kakuro, for which actual math is required. Kakuro kept me feeling completely stupid and inept during my vacation last fall. I would sit in the airport, hunched over my little book of frustration, racking my brain for the right combination of numbers to add up the the right sum. It was maddening, but so wonderful, such a release to get it right ...

Though I spend less time obsessing over single digits and 3-by-3 boxes, my addiction has progressed. I have found ... Samurai Sudoku!! I have yet to ever successfully complete a Samurai Sudoku puzzle, much less to get very far without a hint ... if ever I'm feeling too intelligent, too capable, I just log on to the Web site and let the weight of ineptitude sink down upon my shoulders.

But the feeling -- the thrill! -- of getting just one of those little boxes filled in correctly ... ahhhhh. Folks, that's a high. That's a rush. My pupils dilate, my face flushes, my pulse quickens, my head spins. I feel on top of the world. I am invincible ... until the next box poses its challenge(s).

What's your addiction?

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