24 January 2007

Of Lucifer and Temptations Musing ...

Ah, the new year. New calendar. New vacation time. New way for me to screw up writing my checks. New reason to try to shrink Lucifer (I belive I've introduced you to Lucifer before).

Lucifer has gone through a little bit of a growth spurt. He's been well fed with the likes of Chinese takeout, pizza, lots of ice cream and Valentine's Day conversation hearts (instant sugar high!). I try to justify it all, saying that the peanuts that come in my kung pao chicken are good protein (as is the chicken), and the "kung pao" part of it helps speed up my metabolism ... that the wheat in the pizza crust is almost as good as selecting a whole-grain bread, that the veggies on top are a serving (or more) of vegetables, and that the cheese, loaded with fat though it may be, has some nutritional value as a dairy product (and more protein). With the conversation hearts, as I am relationship-less at the moment, I read the phrases printed across the pressed sugar to myself as a sort of motivation speech. I tell myself things like "Ur Swell!" and "Hug me." I'm always happy to hug myself.

But, alas, the self-hugging, the attempts to persuade myself that ice cream is a health food ... all of it has led to an increase in Lucifer. And he needs to shrink. There are two very pretty, very expensive dresses in my future for this summer, and for the sake of those expensive dresses (and the photos in which they will be featured), Lucifer needs to shrink.

For that reason, tonight, as my coworkers slurped down hot fudge sundaes from Grand Avenue Pizza, I ate a container of fat-free, low-sugar vanilla yogurt with dry oatmeal stirred in for texture and extra fiber (I so sound like a grandma). While my coworkers were indulging in Arby's sandwhiches (plural) and French fries, I had A sandwich, then spent the rest of the night munching on a bag of carrots (for the record, this psychological thing of telling yourself that carrots are as good as French fries just doesn't work ...). And, instead of drinking a venti Cinnamon Dolce latte ... I'm working on my third quart of iced tea sweetened with Splenda. And many glasses of water. I'm going to lose this extra pudge, even if it means sacrificing hot fudge sundaes for fat-free vanilla yogurt. Dangit.

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