12 January 2007

Communion Musing

Matt and I were talking about communion, an offshoot of another, more serious conversation (bear with me here), and we were talking about different denominations getting bigger chunks of break during communion, and I was talking about how I like the church I go to, because I get to tear off whatever size of bread I want from a huge loaf. At the risk of sounding sacreligious, I don't worry about missing breakfast on Sundays, because I know communion is coming up.

At Matt's church in Ohio, though, he swears that he has to take communion from a plate that has saltine crackers on it, and it looks like someone did the Mexian Hat Dance on the poor crackers. "I always want to ask for more Jesus," he said. "I don't even taste Jesus sometimes, the cracker bits are so small."

And that got us to wondering: Is there carb-free Jesus? What about gluten-free Jesus? Salt-free Jesus?

If you're offended, I'm sorry ... that you can't have a sense of humor, even when it comes to communion. But the next time you take communion, at least take a bit of cracker big enough to let you taste Jesus.

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