20 September 2006

I'm a Big Kid Now Musing

In the world of anonymous criticisms, I have graduated. I have gone from being a sub-human copy editor who can't read to save my life to being an inept copy editor who reads and punctuates on the level of a seventh-grader. The latest anonymous bally-hooer has hopes, even, that I'll get to an eighth-grade level, so I'll let that count as a sort of cheering section.

The funny thing about these letters and phone calls is that the letters that criticise our spelling, grammar and punctuation are so poorly spelled, structured and punctuated themselves that I can't help but laugh. And really, when you set out to insult someone, you shouldn't leave yourself that wide open to be soundly insulted in return. The ones who call, well, I can only guess that they don't know how to type or write, which, again, leaves me laughing. Want to criticize my work? Prove that you can do it better. Until then, your letters and voice mails remain on my list of "Idiots of the Week."

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