10 September 2009

This is where my patriotism gets the better of my feet. And I take my second U.S. cab ride. Ever.

We did it all today. Or most of it, at least. As much as I wanted to, I won't make it to the White House on this trip. Which is OK.

We saw the Mall. Vietnam Memorial. Vietnam Women's Memorial. Korean Memorial. Lincoln Monument. Jefferson Memorial. George Mason Memorial. FDR Memorial. And that was AFTER shopping a good coupla hours. New water bottle. New earings. New purse. A cupcake boutique. BOUTIQUE! Who knew? Feeling utterly penniless as I browsed Anthropologie ... found an obliging food court vendor who filled my new water bottle. For free. Felt better about the pennilessness.

Tidal pool. And lots of walking, which is to be expected, and which makes an obliging patch of grass seem very inviting indeed to simply sprawl out on and enjoy the cloudy-but-rainless day. Hurrah.

Cab ride back to the apartment. My second in two days, and my second ever in the U.S. Whoda thought? This cab driver wanted to bring champagne to tonight's party ...

Came back and dolled up a bit for dinner out for Amber's birthday. Finally met James. Met back up with Jennifer. Evan stole the money from my wallet. Then returned it.

Ice cream and cake and Amber's soon-to-be new roomies and other new people at the apartment. Chats. Funny camping story. Tired feet.

Here I am, telling you about the day, when I should be sleeping.

The movers are coming at the ungodly moment of 8:30 tomorrow morning to cart Evan's material posessions off to NYC. Which means I will be yanked from the reverie of whatever bizarre dream is running rampant across the landscape of my subconscious at the time.

Amber's packing Evan's dishes and singing "O Christmas Tree." It's almost like old times. There's no Puffin cereal, and we're not having a Settlers of Catan marathon. We're not belting Celine Dion ballads at anyone. Almost like old times. I miss having my friend a couple floors down from me. But I'll definitely take the chance to see her here, on her birthday. Hurray for friends and their birthdays.

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