Dear (random, pissy, til-now-unknown contact from my mom's e-mail address book):
Kindly refrain from hitting the "reply to all" button when you wish to send a screaming tirade in response to today's political e-mail.
As seldom as I read the originals, I don't know you, and I really don't care what your two-page (without paragraph breaks) opinion is.
You are spam to me. It's not as extreme as being dead to me, but you get the idea ...
Write a letter to the editor. Write a letter to my mom — and ONLY my mom. Call my mom. Start a blog. Write a letter to YOUR mom.
But please cease assuming that I care what you think.
P.S.: For all the pissing and moaning you put forth about "fact-checking," may I suggest that you do a little spell-checking to go along with your ranting.
Sarah, you really need to learn to identify Friend Spam sooner. I've learned to disrgard it no later than two sentences in.
It's gotten to the point where I just delete everything from one friend after I read the subject. Usually it's some claptrap that's supposed to be touching, about some 10 year old cancer patient reminding us that life is fleeting or some crap, and has been passed around the internet since 1998. Debunked by Scopes since 2000.
Fuzzy, sir:
I don't even know this woman!
And she was the devil - it was a spiteful response to an e-mail my mom had mass-mailed (don't get me started on that one), it was forwarded by one of those people to this crabapple, and she felt compelled to send her bitchiness to everyone on the original mailing list - including me.
I'm fine with people being crabby, bitchy, opinionated people - but not when it's sheer spite directed at my mom (who doesn't know her, either) and when it's shared with every computer-using person who may know my mom.
Them's fightin' words, lady. It's goin' down. That's my mom you're attacking. Put up yer dukes.
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