15 July 2009

The Golden Ticket

Someone Twittered today that "Harry Potter" is "Pride and Prejudice" with wands ... which made me laugh, if nothing else.

It's not P&P in any way, I think, but it was definitely worth standing in line in the middle of the night next to Harry and Hermione wannabes who were snarfing down delicious-smelling McDonald's sandwiches while we lucky ticket-bearers waited to be shuffled through a queue like so many cattle ...

I had a brief moment of fear for the life of the theater employee who tried to jokingly tell us that due to technical difficulties, they weren't going to be able to show us the movie last night. I was weighing my book and wondering whether I could chuck it at him from the back of the theater when we got the "just kidding" all-clear. I got to keep my book and watch the movie. Brilliant.

Movie was fantastic. But as usual, entire plot lines are left out (still no Bill and Fleur, folks ... so I'm guessing no Bill and Fleur wedding in either of the Deathly Hallows movies), while inexplicable new lines are added (the Burrow burns down at Christmas? What?).

Enough griping, though. Fabulous movie. And I'd wait at midnight to see it again with pajama-clad Laramie sitting all around me, eating smuggled-in food and giving a minute-by-minute countdown to the beginning of the much-anticipated beginning.

That was my Golden Ticket night.

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