04 December 2008

Sarah-isms 101

Woot!: A bursting word of encouragment, usually shouted with hands cupped around the mouth to help it carry obnoxiously far over large crowds of people who may or may not be cheering along with you. Most entertaining when done by a parent who has never "woot"-ed anything before and suddenly bursts forth with it at a show in Branson.

Woo!: Not to be mistaken with "woot." It is an expression or response of joy, cheer, excitement. In written/text format, it must always be accompanied by an exclamation mark.

Cuddle whore: A person who enjoys cuddling, with or without an accompanying relationship. This term can encompass everything from innocent cuddling while watching a movie on a sofa to things that are a bit less innocent. (Get your mind out of the gutter, perv - not THAT much less innocent!)

Text whore: A person who is maintaining text conversations with more than one person at a time. The term, however, is most appropriately applied when each of the text recipients is a potential significant other, and neither/none know(s) about the other(s).

**NOTE** Aside from the two above instances, I can think of very few instances when it's even remotely appropriate to call someone a whore. Unless, of course, they are, in fact ... a whore.

Friend dumped: The position of finding that one of your social networking "friends" has decided that you are no longer worth associating with in the cyber world. Because no matter how old we are in real life or how mature we pretend to be, once we're on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc., we revert back to junior high school social tactics. You're not my BFF anymore.

Disgustipating: Something that is so disgusting to look at/think about, it hurts somewhere in the gut area, similar to a feeling of constipation.

Ginormous: Alright, I ripped this one off of "Elf," but I still love it and use it frequently. I should see whether the folks at Merriam-Webster are as in love with it as I am ... (update: they are!) Use this word when describing anything that is both gigantic AND enormous -- it's so big, it needs a combination of the two words.

Seriously: In the absence of anything else worthwhile to say, this fits many occasions. Adjust the tone of voice to fit the appropriate reaction. Can also be used as a precursor to most other phrases, such as: "Seriously, Sarah, don't let anyone tell you that you're missing out on something by not being married." Or: "Seriously! That jackass just totally cut me off!" Or: "Seriously. We're all adults. Let's act like it." Or just: "Seriously ... (!)(?)" It's possible that my overuse of this word was influenced by a brief infatuation with "Grey's Anatomy."


Kristen said...

How right you are about 'friend dumped!' We are in the era of using a public forum to air our dirty laundry.

SarahC said...

Seriously ...

Kristen said...

And, you are not the only friend dumped...