22 December 2008

caffeinated shyness

I was commending Andrea last night, over a fifth (maybe sixth) cookie and a cup of coffee, about how well-organized and highly involved our volunteer force is at the church and how well-organized the church is in general.

She laughed.

"You think so?" she asked, a little unsure.

"Andrea, for most churches, 'advanced planning' is maybe a week in advance. Mostly, they call each other up that morning and say 'hey! How 'bout we do this tonight or tomorrow night?' And then they do it. This? (I gestured around the house we were in, which was full to bursting with people who had just finished caroling and delivering cookies around town at the homes of people in the church who are ill) This wouldn't happen. This kind of planning just doesn't happen in most small churches in small towns like Laramie."

Andrea smiled.

"And we have a HUGE volunteer force!" I continued. "There are chances for anybody to be involved, on whatever scale they like. I can serve Jesus by serving coffee, and that makes me happy."

She beamed. Andrea's our volunteer coordinator. And then she told me that she thinks I'd be a good greeter, which made me laugh.

"I'd hide behind the bulletins ... 'don't look at me!'" I said, still laughing.

She laughed again, then told me I need to grow out of that.

She might be right.

In the meantime, I make some pretty good coffee.

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