17 October 2008

Huh ...

Happy Sweetest Day.

Whatever that is.

Given that I read about it on the Shoebox blog, I'm guessing it's a holiday created by Hallmark to do what Hallmark does best: Make us all feel bad that we forgot yet another holiday.


In other Hallmark-related news:

That dear card company now sells adhesive wrapping paper, for those of you who are lazy enough to require such a thing.

This brings to mind a bitter holiday story:

My brother, when he was in high school, asked me to wrap the present he'd bought for his girlfriend.

And I did a dang good job. I picked really pretty paper and spent a good half-hour making sure the creases were crisp and perfect, that the pattern matched up where it could, that the tape was as invisible as possible, that the ribbon curled just so ...

She got the present and proceded to gush about the fabulous wrapping job ... and he just smiled and took the credit! I was ready to strangle him with the leftover, carefully curled ribbon.

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