14 May 2008

Random on a Wednesday

Sorry, Sev

So ... I finished the final Harry Potter book last night. Oh my freakin' goodness! I had to set the danged book down for stretches at a time just to cry. Sob like a little girl. And what I said earlier about Snape needing a girlfriend ... poor guy. Fantastic book - fantastic series - but I feel emotionally drained as a result. A friend said they almost needed counseling after finishing them.

One bank, so many inept tellers

I went to deposit my cell phone payment in my brother's account ... why he still banks at First Interstate is beyond me. I've encountered so much blatant stupidity there to convince me that my money and sanity would be much safer under my mattress. I write on the checks that they're "For Deposit Only." The checks are written to my brother (a man). I'm a girl (these points are rather important, I think) whose name is clearly very different. I never send ID with them because (drum roll, please) I'm depositing them. I don't fill out deposit slips because a) I don't have to and b) I don't know his account number -- just his SSN, and that's what I write underneath "For Deposit Only" on the back of the checks. It's up to the teller to take it from there. That's their job.

Idiotic Encounter #1 (sometime last year): I (a girl without ID) send a deposit-only check in through the drive-thru. Five minutes later, I get $55 in cash sent back to me. The dingbat had cashed it for someone who's not listed on the account, clearly isn't the owner of the account and didn't have any ID. Don't you feel secure about the safety of your money?

Idiotic Encounter #2 (sometime last year): I sent the deposit-only check in via the drive-thru. The teller calls back, wanting to know how I want the bills. Refer to Idiotic Encounter #1.

Idiotic Encounter #3 (today) -- I send the check, marked for deposit only with my brother's SSN, via the drive-thru (this seems to be my downfall). Thirty seconds later, she sends it back, telling me that I have to fill out a deposit slip. I'm running late as it is, and I wind up having to do this twit's job for her.

Snow. More snow.

Enough, already!! It's beginning to look (and feel) a lot like Christmas, when it should be feeling a lot more like, oh, I dunno -- SUMMER!


My Internet connection moved out over the weekend (I was, ahem, "borrowing" his signal for a while ...). Crap. Now what?

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