17 April 2008

Letters that will never be send, Part III

Dear Janitorial Person:

There is something dark and filthy-looking growing behind one of the toilets in the ladies' room. It's been growing there for the past six months, presumably because you refuse to mop the ladies' room.

There is something green and moldy growing around the edge of the sink in the ladies' room, also growing for the last six months or so. It's started to take on a really neat, sci-fi shade of green, but it's green, and it doesn't belong around our bathroom sink.

There is something missing from the soap dispenser in the ladies' room -- I think it's the soap, actually.

There is something breeding a vicious colony of gnats in the ladies' room -- I think it's the rarely emptied trash can.

The same bit of paper has been sitting under my desk for the past year. While I've grown attached to it in a deluded sort of way, it also indicates your complete anathema to vacuuming.

The floor in the break room hasn't been swept, mopped or in any other way de-debris-ified in years.

We were shocked (!) to find the fine pile of dust on one of the window sills had been eliminated. We're not certain whether this is because you actually cleaned it (an examination of other window sills seemed to indicate not), or because you just sat on the window sill, watching traffic go past one lonely night when you probably should have been vacuuming our office or mopping our bathroom.


A Concerned Germaphobe

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