28 March 2008

Things I don't understand

-- The stock market. Don't think that people haven't tried to explain it to me ... or that I haven't tried to understand it. I just don't get it. I (foolishly) give my money to people who (theoretically) understand it ... I hope they're smarter than I am.

-- Statistics. I took a semester of it. Then suffered through advanced comm theory. I still don't get it. God bless my groupmates. I did the semi-creative stitching-together of the verbage; they understood the stats part. We got a B. I graduated.

-- Some people. You're not speaking. You don't want to be speaking. But -- dangit, you're a link on their site, so they still get to claim "know that person" status.

-- The economic stimulus money -- more specifically, why I'm not supposed to put it in the bank or use it to pay off my credit card. How did less debt or a greater savings rate become a bad thing for the economy? For anyone?

-- The universe, eternity, infinity, or the concept of the number zero and why its discovery was such a huge thing. I mean -- I get it ... but I don't. Not really.

-- Why Torani still hasn't come out with a sugar-free cinnamon syrup. Seriously. This would help the eating struggle so very significantly.

-- Why "Gilmore Girls" ended the way that it did.

-- Why Ticketmaster decided to block my home computer from buying tickets -- it said I had too much activity in a given period of time, which blew my mind, because it had been at least a month before that since I had checked prices for anything.

-- Why people who are hiring ask for resumes, work samples, etc. "ASAP" and "without delay" because they "need to fill the position as soon as possible" ... and then don't write back for weeks on end ...

-- Why the UW campus directory doesn't have a campus map

-- Why the IOC, all those years ago, thought it was a great idea to award the Olympics to Beijing in the first place ... please don't tell me that they're seriously surprised at the protests going on?

-- Why New Kids on the Block is trying to make a comeback.

-- Why some people don't take the hint and just retire ... or at least take jobs where their brain farts aren't making the rest of us look like idiots.

-- Why guys accuse girls of creating and thriving on drama ... when guys are just as good (if not better) at bringing on the drama.

-- Why the headlights on my car flicker and dim -- usually when I'm about 50 miles in any direction from civilization at 1 in the morning.

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