03 December 2007

The Modern Girl's Guide To Breaking Up, Moping and Moving On -- Day 3

Day 3

Wake up late when your dad calls to check on you and tries to cheer you up with news about a job opening "closer to home."

Shower and get to church -- late, as usual. Feel inspired, fed and challenged by the sermon. Have a slight epiphany about singleness and sacrifice and scribble your thoughts on the back of the bulletin.

Come home and cry again.

Spend the afternoon shopping.

Come home and cry again, collecting all the "stuff" of your now-defunct relationship and putting it into storage.

Cook dinner. Talk to your brother, who tries to assure you that you're not a horrible, heinous, worthless person.

Finish off the last little bit of a bottle of wine. Seriously consider finishing off the last little bits of whiskey and schnapps in your kitchen cabinet. Decide against it, opting for "clean" coffee and hot cocoa. Begin blaring Christmas music, don a Santa hat and decorate your apartment for yet another single Christmas.

Reflect that last year, you were single, too, and then “R” happened to you.

Quit whining so much about being single at Christmastime, because God knows you don't need another “R” for Christmas.

Exhausted, sit down and watch a movie.

Eat waaaayyyy too much sugar.

Give yourself writer's cramp while journaling a reflection of perhaps the crappiest Thanksgiving you've ever experienced. You would take a broken toe by way of a frozen turkey over this. (Only my mother can truly appreciate that one ...)


Chris said...

I'm struggling with why someone would let you drive all that way for a holiday to break up with you. I hope it wasn't planned.

BTW...if you haven't seen it yet today, go check out the News-Records new website that debuted a few hours ago...

SarahC said...

In all fairness, I was the one who started the conversation and, in the end, you could call it a mutual agreement ... which doesn't mean that it hurts any less.

Chris said...

I know it doesn't hurt less and thanks for the explanation.