09 November 2007

Still Nothing Very Important

Montana wants to attract wealthy tourists
(read here)
Good to know; I'd hate to sully their reputation or appearance by showing up, since my annual income doesn't mesh with what they're looking for.

It's illegal to hug your friends at school.
(read here)
(and here)
A girl was given detention (and threatened with suspension) for hugging her friend, who had just lost a parent. The hussy.

It's about time ...
(read here)
That someone told Hugo Chavez to shut up. That it was the King of Spain cracks me up even more. The guy (Chavez) needs to cease the name-calling if he wants to be taken seriously as a critic of anything. Calling people "the Devil," "fascists" and less human than "snakes" really does nothing for his credibility, what little of it existed in the first place.

Don't tick me off, or I'll torch your buffalo head ...
(read here)
A woman is in jail on arson charges after torching her ex-husband's mounted bison head following an argument. Nenner, nenner, I guess ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is appalling that students are incapable of showing any emotion while at school. The greatest asset I can see to a public school system is the ability to learn proper socialization skills through interaction with their peers.

The enforcement of the PDA rules in this manner is doing nothing for the future of this country, unless desensitization is the goal. Finding effective means to communicate (with 80% of our communication being non-verbal)is key to successful relationships of all sorts as adults.

Truly a pity.