31 October 2007

Halloween frights: Sarah edition

Different things scare different people, and since I don't get to interact with too many people during the daylight hours (my own fault, I know), I had relatively few things to scare me today. But I present my meager list of Halloween Frights 2007 all the same:

-- Stepping onto the bathroom scale
-- Shaving my legs
-- Contemplating life without coffee; the mere possibility almost brought me to tears (this ties in with a yet-to-be-written blog about a diet that equates caffeine with the devil. This is heresy. Caffeine is our friend.)
-- Spending 15 minutes in the EXPRESS line at Safeway because I had a combination of the store's oldest employee helping the store's dumbest customer.
-- Almost burning tonight's dinner in the oven because my trip to Safeway took so long (see previous Fright)
-- Realizing that I'm only halfway through "Crime and Punishment," and it's taken me oh, so long to just get there.
-- Seeing full-grown adults all over town wearing costumes that were made for (much smaller) children.


Chris said...

Go check out my blog and you can reinforce your last fear on the list...haha

Chad said...

what about life without Cheesecake or Jars of Clay?

SarahC said...

Well, now it's gone from Halloween fright to a nightmare scenario, a terror fest ... I WAS going to try to sleep tonight ... guess that's moot now. Thanks a lot. :0)