04 April 2007

Something to Consider Musing

A conversation via e-mail:

Chris: (in an image sent to my e-mail) Men are like coffee: The best ones are rich, warm and can keep you up all night.

Sarah: I have yet to ever meet a man as effective as a really good cup of coffee. I mean that in the least possible dirty way ... I guess. I have a magnet with an alternate take on men: "Men are like mascara: They run at the first sign of emotion."

Chris: HAHA..nice magnet. I usually find that women who complain about men are chasing the wrong ones. : )~

Sarah: Point taken ...

At this point, the conversation diverts as we talk about Chris' plan to stalk Megan McGuffey to demonstrate his true devotion and adoration, a plan which I discouraged, citing "Conspiracy Theory" as a prime example of what stalkers look like: Paranoid cab drivers who sit outside apartment buildings, peering into apartments with binoculars while eating bologna sandwiches. This is not the life for an upstanding parole officer like Chris, I advised him, and common sense ruled the day as he decided that maybe he shouldn't stalk a Cowgirl.

But the "chasing the wrong ones" bit was food for thought. I know, I know ... some of you have already said it before. But you know what they say about repetition ... eventually, sometimes, you finally get it. Or at least start to listen to it.


Chris said...

For the record, there was no 'plan' per say in place to stalk anyone....LOL.

As for the rest of that post, I just have to bite my tongue! : )

SarahC said...

Fine, fine. There was no "plan." There was talk of admiration for Ms. McGuffey, and some comments back and forth about restraining orders and binoculars and such ... And I don't know what you have to bite your tongue over. You already told me you liked the magnet. :0)

Chris said...

Yeah, LMAO....thats it! The MAGNET!!!! : )~

SarahC said...

I'm in the dark. (No derrogatory comments, please)