27 April 2007

Musing on a Friday

The Paper Bag Diaries, Part Deux

The saga continues in the debate over whether the "hot" among us really need a Web site totally dedicated to their dating needs (as though they had any) ... if they're lucky enough to be admitted into the Inner Circle of Vanity. I, as one of the millions of genetically inadequate singletons who aren't willing to crush our fragile egos by even checking where we rate on the vapidness scale, have stuck to the dark corners of such sites as match.com and christiancafe.com, hunchbacked, crosseyed freak that I'm likely perceived as being to the 1,000 or so god-kissed Aphrodites and Adonises who flaunt their plastic surgeries and Botox investments on the Web site, in search of others who are equally beautiful and shallow (and can afford a $9.95-per-month ego-tickler).

I don my trusty paper bag again today to bring you this update, per MSNBC.com, related to another singleton's frustration with the site and, I think, with the entire concept of offering more help to the people who have already done so much to make the rest of us feel like warts on a frog's ... well, anyway.

You can read her thoughts here.


Chris said...

Am I allowed to ask silly questions? Maybe that in itself was a silly question since all my questions are likely silly. Ahhh.....nevermind.

Why the continued pursuit of men on the internet when you are moving later in the year? Or are you hoping to find someone in the area you will be moving to?

SarahC said...

Silly questions are always welcome, and that one was not really silly. Nor are many of your questions.

The "continued pursuit" isn't really a continuous event, with the latest excursion (the christiancafe.com one) being an "oh heck, why not" fling (can I call it a fling if it's a Christian site?). It was also to be able to tell my brother to quit harping on it, I already did it, yada, yada, yada. And parts of that latest adventure made me laugh, which is always good for a blog entry.

Technically, I guess, "looking" isn't (really) the same as "dating," and "looking" in an area where I'd like to move could be perceived as planning ahead. Or cyberstalking. Take your pick.

My frustration is with the idea that the beautiful people need their own exclusive club to avoid the hazards of dating us mere mortals, whether I'm actively pursuing a relationship at the moment or not.

Perhaps this is merely another of my frustrating qualities.

Chris said...

Perhaps there is millions to be made by creating a dating site for us average or slightly above average joes. No incredibly beautiful people allowed. Hmmmm.

BTW...who ever said you were frustrating? : )~

Chris said...

While we are on the topic of internet dating sites, here is my biggest pet peeves....the fictional women.

I'm not sure why there are fictional women on some of these sites. There is already like a 5:1 woman to man ratio.

So these fake, attractive women are on there to entice you to joining the site and coughing up $20 or whatever a month.

Schmucks like me who are not a member get some e-mail from some hottie and decide we have to join. so you pay the money, get your membership and find out she was a figment of your imagination.

I'm still trying to figure out the profiles featuring the blonde in designer clothes who is listed as being Asian and living in Rozet. C'mon kids, at least put some effort into these things.

That is my rant for this evening. Peace.

SarahC said...

Ouch. That would suck. I never received mail from a "fake" man, just one who was so oily and beefed up with muscles that I alternately laughed and retched. That one apparently worked a night shift at a hotel in Gillette.