09 April 2007

Mean Monday Musing

Monday today is mean in several ways: It came too soon, there's too much to do, and it's possible that I'm being unkind to more than one person today ... Mondays are mean that way. But there are jelly beans and strawberries to sooth a rumpled spirit. And cranberry-pomegranate tea.

But Sunday was good. Sunday was filled with church and people and talking and laughing and updates on life in Venezuela and turkey and mashed potatoes and yams ... and cheesecake. Oh, the cheesecake. And it ended with Charlotte's Web (and more cheesecake), so of course I cried.

Here's hoping your Monday is a kinder, gentler Monday.


Chris said...

What kind of cheesecake? Anything on it? Nothing like fattening cream cheese to peak my interest.

SarahC said...

Alas, when I tell of the cheesecake, everyone wants to know what kind it was. I think, actually, that it came from a box (I could be wrong about that) ... but it was still really, really, really good. We had fresh, sliced, sweetened strawberries on top. There was also an angel food cake, and whipped cream. And coffee, of course. Chocolate-flavored coffee. Oofta ... I felt like a brick when I left.

Chris said...

I like going to the effort of making a cheesecake from scratch which I do well. But then most would argue I ruin it when I drown my slice in cherry pie filling. What can I say!