19 March 2007

I'm an Idiot Musing

I'm so embarassed. I'm just a nerd.

There's apparently a setting on my VCR that lets me dictate what language my TV shows come across in ... and it's been set to the Spanish setting for a week. I was wondering why all of a sudden "Ugly Betty," "Grey's Anatomy," "Dancing With the Stars" and "The Simpsons" were all in Spanish ... and now I know. It's because of my own incompetence.

Right around the time I decide it's time for a new VCR, I'll finally have all the little doo-hickey buttons figured out. Maybe. I still can't program the thing worth a darn to record the shows I want. I'm such a nerd ...


Chris said...

On the bright side, Dancing With The Stars in Spanish shouldn't be too big of a deal. The Simpons though? What is "DOH!" in Spanish?

SarahC said...

An astute question, Agent Yager. "Doh" in Spanish is "Doh!" with a bit of an accent. It's impossible to convey in typing; just imagine Antonio Banderas doing the voice of Homer, and I think you'll have a pretty good idea. I never did figure out what "doughnut" is in Spanish, though ... mmmmm ... doughnuts ...