03 March 2007

Driving in Laramie Musing

Actually, this is about driving in general.

Amber accused me this weekend of having the most road rage she's ever seen. This was while we were driving a whopping 20 miles an hour on an Interstate in Denver. No snow. No ice. No accidents ... just slow, indecisive people who couldn't find their accelerators.

I was offended by this comment. I don't brandish a gun (or any weapon) at the idiots driving around me, and I rarely use sign language to convey my true feelings. I don't even use my horn, unless they're about to kill me with their idiocy. I talk. Sometimes loudly. Probably with animated expresion. I shake my head; I squint my eyes. I ask them what they're doing. They can't hear me or answer me, so I don't see the harm in asking or in telling them that they're unworthy of the driver's license that someone granted them. It's free therapy, really. I get to talk through my frustrations. It works.

____ wants to get all superhero/vigilante on people who coast/speed through yellow lights, and I have to imagine that at some point during the time that we've both lived in this town, he's probably wished a police cruiser on me, because I coast through yellow lights as much as anyone (except ____).

Yellow lights don't bother me. Red lights do. Because back home in Gillette, a red light means nothing. A red light is apparently a decorative addition to intersections in Gillette, because the idiots who drive there never stop at red lights, especially if they're turning left. I hate driving in Gillette.

In Laramie, no one knows how to drive over 20 miles an hour, and this is pretty much as irritating as someone who doesn't know what a red light is.

But here's the thing that really kicks me about these people: They're in just enough of a hurry that they'll pull out right in front of me (and flip me off for honking my horn at them for almost killing me), and then they'll creep along at 20 miles an hour.

If ____ is ever granted his superhero persona, I hope he finds the time whack! whack! a couple of these yahoos.

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