13 February 2007

Bethany Dillon Musing

So ... I got a Bethany Dillon CD ("Imagination") for Christmas ... and tonight is the first that I've listened to it ... and I've gotta say that I really like it. I like her lyrics and her style. I like listening to a song and being able to imagine the artist writing the lyrics in a journal while they're sitting in a coffee shop or on a plane somewhere ... I think I would enjoy a conversation about God with Bethany Dillon. She, Sara Groves, Nichole Nordeman and David Crowder and Donald Miller are all people who I would like to talk to about God and life and everything else over a plate of fries and multiple cups of coffee ...

Love woke me up this morning
With a memory
Love came and whispered a story
That awakened a dream

The whole CD is great. With lyrics like that. So there's my plug for Bethany Dillon.

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