23 July 2006

(Almost) Naked Musing

So ... I decided to wear a lacy-ish skirt and heels to church today, and after church, I decided to help Amber tear down the stage, which involved some squatting down to disassemble some things, which was going really well until ...

I stood up. And my skirt went down. And down.

And my large, bright-pink flowers undies-clad bottom was flashed at whatever was left of the congregation.

The heel of my shoe had gotten caught in the lace of the skirt, so that when I stood up, my skirt did not stand up with me ... I was so mortified. Amber and I just sat there on the stage, laughing (it really was funny, no matter how horrifying it also was), and I was just glad that my friend Josh had already left the auditorium. It's one thing to flash your bottom at complete strangers; it's a completely different thing to flash it (however unintentionally) at someone who you see on a somewhat regular basis and have to look in the face.

So, that was my Sunday morning. Not exactly a holy activity, but pretty danged funny (and good fodder for stories later on in life) ...


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